We’ve just uploaded mypy 0.550 to the Python Package Index (PyPI). This release includes new features, bug fixes and library stub (typeshed) updates. You can install it as follows:
python3 -m pip install -U mypy
You can read the documentation for this release on ReadTheDocs.
Notable Changes
- The --old-html-report flag was removed (PR 4204)
- Replace --disallow-any flags with separate boolean flags (PR 4178)
- Running mypy on Python 3.3 is no longer supported. However Python 3.3 is still valid for the target of the analysis (i.e. the --python-version flag) (PR 4152)
Notable Bugs Fixed
- Fix classmethod access for Tuple subclasses (PR 4164)
- Ignore failure to remove temporary files (PR 4163)
- Make stubgen return status 0 on --help (PR 4160)
- Fix broken installation on Windows in virtualenv (PR 4149)
- Fix recent crashes in forward refs (PR 4120)
- The source of mypy itself is now fully strict-optional compatible (PR 4078)
- Check code after inferred UninhabitedType (PR 4059)
Notable Typeshed Changes
- The lxml stubs were removed from typeshed, because they were too incomplete to be very useful; they are now at https://github.com/JelleZijlstra/lxml-stubs
First of all, we’d like to thank our employer, Dropbox, for funding the mypy core team.
Thanks to all mypy contributors who contributed to this release:
- Aleksander Gondek
- Elazar Gershuni
- Gareth T
- Gregory Werbin
- Hugo vk
- Ivan Levkivskyi
- Jelle Zijlstra
- Rahiel Kasim
- Svyatoslav Ilinskiy
Additional thanks to all contributors to typeshed:
- Alan Du
- Carl Meyer
- Ethan Smith
- Grzegorz Śliwiński
- Ilya Konstantinov
- Jelle Zijlstra
- Josh Staiger
- Martin DeMello
- Matthew Wright
- Matěj Cepl
- Patrick Valsecchi
- Roy Williams
- Sally
- Sebastian Rittau
- Sebastian Steenbuck
- Wilfred Hughes
- Zac Hatfield Dodds
- anentropic
- hashstat
- marienz
- rchen152